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Ziglar on Selling: information packed for students

Sales is one of the most popular careers in America. Every company needs a salesman in some sort of way. There are also a wide variety of students who graduate from UTM that ultimately choose sales as their career path. If you are one of these students, or are considering a career in sales, then you defiantly need to check out Ziglar on Selling.

This book is written by Zig Ziglar and is considered by some to be the ultimate handbook for the complete salesman. Ziglar’s book tells the reader what he has learned in many years as a sales professional. He has also written 23 books on personal growth, leadership, sales, faith, family and success. Ziglar on Selling is one of the most comprehensive and informative books on selling and the world of business.

Ziglar’s book outlines and touches on many different subjects concerning business issues. He deals with issues from what to wear in certain business situations to how to develop good relationships with clients. Ziglar takes the approach that honesty and integrity is the main key to having a successful career in business. A large portion of this book is devoted to how to practice ethical business. Ziglar also makes no bones about how difficult it is to make your way in selling saying, “the best-paying hard work in the world is selling, and the poorest-paying work in the world is selling.” Ziglar encourages getting to know as many people as you can and to always work in a business angle.

To all students who are considering a career in business, you need to check this book out. Whether you read the whole book or just a few chapters, it would be very hard not to find this book inspirational and informative. I would give this book a five out of five in information and a four out of five on entertainment for an overall 4 ½.