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SAC 909

Kristian Harloff

Thursday, October 7, Kristian Harloff performed as the next comedian in the 909 Comedian Series, sponsored by the Student Activities Council. Harloff covered a variety of topics including dating, movies and work experience.

“It was awesome, very funny,” said James Harlan, a junior agriculture major from Columbia.

Harloff began his routine by discussing what he referred to as the “woo guy,” which he described as the guy in college whose purpose is to yell “woo” at every opportunity. He also discussed the use of cell phones and that it posed a problem with trusting people because one person can make fun of the other while they are on the phone.

Harloff commented on the lack of logic involved when seniors date freshman and think the relationship is guaranteed to work after graduation. He then discussed life after graduation in the work force. He commented that finding one’s first job is hard and that one inevitably hates it.

This is especially true of office jobs according to Harloff. He commented that employees at offices always look busy typing when the boss walks by, but as soon as the boss leaves, they are all on EBay.

Harloff commented that, of his purchases from EBay, the most unusual was a samurai sword. He joked about the usefulness, or lack of usefulness, of this purchase in the event of a burglary.

Harloff also dealt with Martin. He commented that he did not even see a bar in town on his way in and that cell phone service was non-existent.

“You can go into Martin, but you can’t make contact with the outside world,” said Harloff.

Harloff also suggested his idea for a new reality TV show. He suggests taking the most unique homeless people available and giving them a home in Beverly Hills. He believes it would be more interesting than current reality shows.

Harloff also discussed the re-editing of Star Wars, watching Saved by the Bell, and the scandal of the Olson twins. He concluded his performance by urging students to stay in school and to not change who they are for anyone.

“This is the best show I’ve ever been to. Woo!” said Jennifer Shute, a junior social work major from Paris.