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Letters to the Editor

Alumni Affairs director thanks campus community

On behalf of the Office of Alumni Relations, I would like to say thank you to all who made this year’s homecoming a success. Alumni and friends commented how great the campus looked, the involvement of organizations in Quad City and the overall atmosphere that “welcomed” them home!

A very big thank you to the Undergraduate Alumni Council for their hard work during the week.

Also to SGA and SAC for their sponsorship of different events and activities.

It was a great week for all of us here at UT Martin!

Now, please mark your calanders for next year’s homecoming, October 3-9, 2005.

Great job everyone.

Charley Deal Director, Alumni Relations Martin

Quake pulls anti-litter ads in response to column

I want to take a moment to respond to your editorial, “Give a hoot, don’t pollute the airwaves” dated October 12, 2004.

Your article on our unconventional approach to raising litter awareness caught our attention.

One of the things a good commercial does, is catch the listener’s attention.

I think the campaign succeeded there, but in doing so, it has unfortunately alienated some of our listeners.

The anti-litter jingles were written and performed by third grade students from Obion County.

While this may be hard for some to believe, the ones we used on the air, were the best submitted in our contest. I can’t image what kind of response we would have received if we had used the really bad ones.

Thanks for reminding us to be good citizens and to keep our airwaves free of clutter.

Since this campaign has become cumbersome to the average listener, we have removed the offending ads from our broadcast.

We are already looking at other advertising possibilities for future anti-litter campaigns.

Ones that don’t require musical talent.

Don Wilson Program Director WQAK (The Quake)

Fitness Center editorial only offers half of story

The subject of the fitness center once again pits students against faculty, and the notion that “we’re all in this together” gets lost in the process.

Two years ago I petitioned the SGA to let me use the facility for rehabilitation following my surgery for cancer - but it was never approved.

There should be a middle ground on this issue, and effective student leadership should be able to figure out what that middle ground is.

Your editorial closing statement about “squat thrusts and lunges in front of your professors” is only one side of the story. I urge students to observe the physique of some of their professors while in class this week: if you think some of you look funny exercising.. (you finish the sentence!).

Dwight Gatwood Professor of Music Martin

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