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Campus leaders meet with state legislators

Delegates from UTM met with state legislators last week as part of the UT Legislative Day in Nashville.

The event, hosted by the University of Tennessee President’s Office, brought together four delegates from all five schools in the UT system to inform legislators on the importance of UT on the state. Representing UTM were former SGA President Dusty Dean, student trustee Lauren Brannon, former SGA president Jennifer Ogg and current SGA President James Orr.

During the morning of the event, UTM’s representatives manned a booth in the State Capitol with UTM information and brochures, answered questions from legislators and walked through the corridors talking with state legislators.

Some representatives sat in on the Senate Committee on Education, where UT President John Petersen spoke to senators about UT and its importance to the state.

Petersen also met with the chancellors of each school and met Gov. Phil Bredesen.

UTM’s representatives had lunch with the governor to honor Pat Head Summitt, UTM alum, for becoming the winningest coach in college basketball.

“We wanted to show all the great things we’re giving back to Tennessee,” said Dean.

“It was definitely worthwhile,” Dean said. “[UT Legislative Day] is the first step in building a bridge between the UT system and the legislators.”

Dean added he hopes that the event helped repair the “scars” of past scandals, such as former president John Schumaker’s mismanagement of UT money. Dean hopes the day and events like it will serve to “heal [UT’s] relations with the Capitol.”